In recent years, the success of 3D Design products in many different fields such as movies, TVC advertising, games, etc. has attracted many young people to learn about this new field of study. Besides, the increasing human demand of the 3D Design industry in general and 3D Animation, in particular, is also a big plus for young people who love creativity and challenges when choosing the right career for themself. With the solid development premise that 3D Animation brings, many young people have chosen for themselves the direction of studying abroad so that they can develop comprehensively. However, many of them have faced difficulties when making decisions about studying abroad, choosing a major as well as determining their ability to pursue 3D Animation in the current time.
Understanding this mentality, VTC Academy in collaboration with RUBIKA International Design Institute (France) – The world’s Top 2 School for 3D Animation has organized a Talkshow: “Explore the life of a 3D animation international student” at 14:30 – 16:00 on Sunday, October 24, 2021. The talkshow with the participation of admissions representatives of VTC Academy and RUBIKA will help young people understand more about this new field of study. More importantly, the consultants from VTC Academy and RUBIKA will answer questions and concerns about study abroad procedures, transfer programs and scholarship policies, etc. to study in a high-quality program, VTC Academy Plus. From here, young people will gain a lot of information and knowledge before choosing a development direction suitable to their passion, capacity and ability.
The talk show is expected to reach 300 people
14:30 – 14:40: Event starts
14:40 – 14:50: Introducing the training program at VTC Academy Plus
14:50 – 15:00: Introducting training program at RUBIKA International Design Institute
15:00 – 15:20: Learning about the international pathway of 3D Animation major at RUBIKA International Design Institute
15:20 – 15:40: Answer from the admission expert representing RUBIKA International Design Institute – France
15:40 – 15:50: Q&A
15:50 – 16:00: Ending Event

The online talkshow: “Explore student life at RUBIKA” has helped many young people interested in 3D Animation to better visualize the learning environment at RUBIKA. In addition, useful information about study abroad procedures, transfer programs, scholarship policies, etc., provided by VTC Academy and representatives of RUBIKA International Design Institute, also helped you have an overview and more accurate about this discipline. From here, choosing the right major is no longer a difficult problem and more convenient for many of you. Hopefully, the talkshow will not only help young people update their knowledge about the 3D Animation industry, human resource needs, and the values that the discipline brings but also serve as a guideline for the direction of their current career at present and in the future.
Finally, VTC Academy and RUBIKA would like to send best wishes to the students who have been cherishing dreams that will soon become reality as soon as possible. We hope that the sharing, answers and advice of experts are the best tools for you to apply throughout the process of choosing a career and orienting your passion.