VTC Academy | General provisions
VTC Academy VTC Academy

General provisions

1. Users’ responsibilities:

By accessing this website, you agree to accept all risks. VTC Academy shall not be held responsible for any losses resulting from direct, accidental or indirect consequences; losses and costs (including legal fees, counseling costs, or other expenditures) may arise directly or indirectly from accessing the website or downloading data to the computer; damages encountered by viruses, direct or indirect destructive actions of other computer systems, telephone lines, hardware, software, program errors, or any other errors; the transmission line of the computer or network connection is slow, etc.

2. About the website content:

All of the information here is provided to you in an honest way. VTC Academy does not warrant, or make any statements concerning the accuracy, reliability of using or resulting in the use of the content on this website. Content on the website is provided for the sake of the community. Individuals and organizations are not permitted to use the content on this website for commercial purposes without the consent of the VTC Academy in writing. Although VTC Academy always tries to regularly update the content on the website, we do not guarantee that the information is the latest, accurate or complete. All website content can be changed at any time.

3. On copyright:

VTC Academy is the copyright holder of this website. Editing pages, content, and arrangements belongs to the authority of VTC Academy. The entire contents of the website are protected by the Law on intellectual property in Vietnam and international conventions.

4. About the use of information:

We will not use your personal information on this website if it is not allowed. Your information will be used for the purpose of contacting you to notify VTC Academy’s updated information such as course opening information or notice of policy changes, etc. Your personal information will not be sent to anyone beyond the VTC Academy website. If we share your personal information with service providers, advertising companies, and related partner companies, we also ask them to protect your personal information as we do.

5. Modify content:

VTC Academy reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify these terms and conditions by notification on the website.

6. Links to other pages:

Although this site may be linked to other pages, VTC Academy does not directly or indirectly agree, organize, sponsor, responsible or merge with those pages, unless it is expressly stated. When accessing the website, you must understand and accept that VTC Academy may not be able to control all the pages linked to the VTC Academy website and is not responsible for the content of the linked pages.

7. Uploading information on the website:

You may not upload, or post on the website all pornographic, vulgar, offensive, defamatory, sullied, threatening, images, word and illegal information or information that may lead to the violation of law and legal liability. VTC Academy and all parties involved in the establishment and management of the website are not responsible or hold legal liability for the arising problems from the content that you upload to the website.

8. Email: 

VTC Academy does not guarantee that e-mail messages sent to VTC Academy via the Internet will be fully secured. VTC Academy will not responsible for any damages that you suffered if you send e-mail to VTC Academy, or if VTC Academy sends email over the Internet to you as requested. VTC Academy is not responsible in any way for direct, indirect, special damages or consequences arising from the use of this website.

9. Commitment to implement and dispute resolution:

The two parties commit strictly to implement these terms and conditions. All activities arising from the irreconcilable website between the two parties will be arbitrated by the competent People’s Court in Ho Chi Minh City according to Vietnamese law. All decisions of the Court will be final and binding on both parties. Fees for the settlement process will be borne by the losing party.

10. Applicable laws:

These terms and conditions shall be enforced in accordance with the applicable laws of Vietnam. All terms and conditions are made in Vietnamese and English. In the event of any conflict between the two copies, the Vietnamese version shall be used.

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    I have read and agree to the General Provisions and Information Security Policy of VTC Academy.