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Science & Tech
Exploring the Power of Edtech – The Future of Education

Exploring the Power of Edtech – The Future of Education

Posted on 29/02/2024
The future of education lies in edtech, and a lot of investors are trying to find out where they should put their investment.
4 transformative waves must know to use AI for business

4 transformative waves must know to use AI for business

Posted on 16/01/2024
With the ascent of technology and generative AI in 2023, businesses and employees now are facing a question: how to use AI for business to be more proactive towards upcoming changes.
VTC Academy honorably welcomed the delegation of The French Embassy and Institut Français Vietnam (IFV)

VTC Academy honorably welcomed the delegation of The French Embassy and Institut Français Vietnam (IFV)

Posted on 21/09/2022
On the afternoon of April 22, 2022, the delegation of The French Embassy and Institut Français Vietnam (IFV) had a meeting and exchange with VTC Academy representatives, lecturers and students.
VTC Academy: Top 10 Asia Pacific Outstanding Brands 2022

VTC Academy: Top 10 Asia Pacific Outstanding Brands 2022

Posted on 21/09/2022
VTC Academy has excellently achieved the valuable award of Top 10 Asia Pacific Outstanding Brands 2022.
VTC Academy: 12-year nurturing professional game developers

VTC Academy: 12-year nurturing professional game developers

Posted on 21/09/2022
Being the cradle of outstanding programmers and designers, VTC Academy constantly provides high-quality human resources for the IT industry.
5.0 Super smart social model – a “technological leap” or a “fantastic ambition”?

5.0 Super smart social model – a “technological leap” or a “fantastic ambition”?

Posted on 31/12/2021
The 4th industrial revolution (or 4.0 Industry) is still going on and has a strong impact on many fields of cultural life. The digital transformation has made many new values and becomes the backbone of the developing economic policy in many countries. To catch up with globalization, in 2016, Japan gave an idea of creating […]
The world gaming industry will grow rapidly in 2020

The world gaming industry will grow rapidly in 2020

Posted on 28/07/2020
When the pandemic still don’t have any signs of being controlled, the world game market will continue to grow strongly in 2020. For the time being, the whole world is still heavily affected by the pandemic and people in other countries are advised to stay at home and to restrict out on the streets. With having to constantly stay at home, playing games is a form of entertainment that many people choose to kill time every day.
Learn how to prevent online fraud with VTC Academy

Learn how to prevent online fraud with VTC Academy

Posted on 17/08/2019
In the era of digital technology, cyber scams tend to increase and become more sophisticated and dangerous. Let’s find a way to protect yourself from sophisticated scams online with VTC Academy.

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  • Da Nang: 0865 098 399
  • Ho Chi Minh City: 0818 799 299