VTC Academy honorably welcomed the delegation of The French Embassy and Institut Français Vietnam (IFV)
On the afternoon of April 22, 2022, the delegation of The French Embassy and Institut Français Vietnam (IFV) had a meeting and exchange with VTC Academy representatives, lecturers and students.
In this exchange, VTC Academy was honored to welcome Ms. Sophie Maysonnave – Counselor for Cooperation and Cultural Activities of The French Embassy in Vietnam; Mr. Jérémy Segay – Regional Attaché in Film, Television, Radio and Digital Content at IFV; Mr. Sidi Benlarbi – Studio Director at Xilam Armada TMT and Mr. Toan Nguyen – Regional Assistant Attaché Audiovisual Room at IFV. The delegation was directly greeted by Mr. Hoang Viet Tung – Chairman of the Board of Directors of VTC Academy and Mr. Hoang Viet Tan – CEO of VTC Academy.
At this event, the representative of VTC Academy sent a warm welcome to the delegation, shared about courses, students’ activities, and especially the collaborative training programs with Rubika – The Reference School of Animation, Video Game and Design, which is rated as the leading institute in France and Top 2 in the world in term of 3D animation training. Moreover, VTC Academy’s executive board also shared about upcoming cooperation plans with other prestigious educational institutions in the future.

The delegation of The French Embassy and the Institut Français Vietnam (IFV) met and exchanged with VTC Academy Ho Chi Minh City.
The exchange trip took place with many exciting activities, such as visiting the campus and having intimate conversations with lecturers and students about culture, learning environment, popular majors and career opportunities in France.

VTC Academy students in an art class.

VTC Academy students enthusiastically joined the Q&As section with the delegation.

Mrs. Sophie Maisonnave answered students’ questions about culture and study programs in France.
Via in-class experiences, the delegation also understood more about the lecturers’ capacity, the training process and the potential of students at VTC Academy. The delegation representative expressed that they would always welcome and assist VTC Academy’s students when they transitioned to France in the fields of IT and design.
This exchange is not simply a meeting, but an opportunity for VTC Academy to show what a leading academy is and how a world-class institution generates high-quality human resources for the global labor market. At VTC Academy, we both focus on modern and spacious facilities, and we always strive to build a comprehensive learning environment, helping nurture all students’ dreams and turn their passion into careers.

The delegation of the French Embassy and the Institut Français Vietnam (IFV) took a photo with VTC Academy representatives and students.