
Exploring the Power of Edtech – The Future of Education
Posted on 29/02/2024
The future of education lies in edtech, and a lot of investors are trying to find out where they should put their investment.

4 transformative waves must know to use AI for business
Posted on 16/01/2024
With the ascent of technology and generative AI in 2023, businesses and employees now are facing a question: how to use AI for business to be more proactive towards upcoming changes.

VTC Academy: Top 10 Asia Pacific Outstanding Brands 2022
Posted on 21/09/2022
VTC Academy has excellently achieved the valuable award of Top 10 Asia Pacific Outstanding Brands 2022.

Popular personality-career test models
Posted on 12/01/2022
As usual, when the time of the University entrance exam is coming, students and parents are always spending all their concerns on the learning ability, the development of career abilities in the future and especially the suitability, the fondness and the passion with the major.

5.0 Super smart social model – a “technological leap” or a “fantastic ambition”?
Posted on 31/12/2021
The 4th industrial revolution (or 4.0 Industry) is still going on and has a strong impact on many fields of cultural life. The digital transformation has made many new values and becomes the backbone of the developing economic policy in many countries. To catch up with globalization, in 2016, Japan gave an idea of creating […]

Vietnam Investments Group (VIG) travel with VTC Academy to support the school fee for students who have financial difficulties due to Covid-19 Pandemic
Posted on 31/12/2021
The financial assistance package from 10 to 17 million VND will directly reduce the remaining tuition fees for students who are having difficulty completing tuition fees at the end of 2021.

Top 8 reasons why studying online is the modern trend of Gen Z
Posted on 28/12/2021
Gen Z is referred to a young generation who likes to “travel”, but because of Covid-19, now everyone at home, study online and that makes you not know how to study to keep up with other people. If you are still “twisted” as to whether online learning is comparable to traditional classes or not, don’t […]

Study abroad plan in “new normal” time: Which way for young generation?
Posted on 28/12/2021
Ho Chi Minh City has spent two weeks in the first phase of the roadmap of ‘opening the economy’ with many new points in the COVID-19 prevention and control plan and the initial economic recovery. This state transition marks the starting point for many young people’s learning goals, especially their plans to study abroad – […]