Study regulations
Students are allowed to pursue 02 programs at the same time, however no more than 02 classes on the same day are accepted.
Examination regulations
For each course, students are allowed to make a maximum of 02 exam attempts
Final exam (Attempt 1)
Resit (Attempt 2)
Lecturers reserve the right to prohibit students from taking exams (conditions to be applied).
During the study and examination process, if the students’ Final exam/Assignments are clearly and abnormally similar to each other in any form, the students will get a zero (0) mark for the course and have to provide a statement to VTC Academy.
Resit regulations
For courses assessed by Final exams
If a student is absent for more than 25% of the class hours, they will not be allowed to take the Final exam and have to resit. (Contact the Academic Support Department for more details).
Resit fee is applicable in both cases: students who are not allowed to take the Final exam due to their infringements of the study regulations (absent for more than 25% of the class hours); and students who are eligible for the Final exam but FAIL and have to resit.
For courses assessed by Assignments
If a student is absent for more than 25% of the class hours, the scores of their Assignments for the course will not be accepted and they will have to take those Assignments again with other classes. (Contact the Academic Support Department for more details).
Notice: If the average score of the Assignments for a course is FAIL, the students have to take all of the Assignments of that course again.
Course retake regulations
After doing resit (for the Final exam) and taking the assignments again (for the Assignments), if the students still do not PASS, they will have to retake the course. (Contact the Academic Support Department for more details).
Score improvement regulations
Students are allowed to take the score improvement exam twice per course (Contact the Academic Support Department for more details). The official score of the course will be taken from the last score improvement exam the students take.
Project appeal regulations
Students can appeal one topic for a maximum of 02 times and they are not allowed to change the topic. In the 2nd appeal, the total score will be subtracted by 5%.
If a student still does not PASS after 02 times of appeal, he/she will have to pay the tuition fee and work on the Project again as required; at this point, the student is allowed to change the topic and attend another class for his/her Project.
Grading system
The exam scores are in percentage. (See the Score-Based Classification Table)
Tuition fee regulations
For students who owe the tuition fee, their exam results will not be accepted (it will be considered a failure on the exam and this failure will be counted as an attempt on the exam).
Once the students have paid the tuition fee and completed the admission procedures, the tuition fee will not be refunded in any form.
Remarking process

After 1 day of submission, the petition will be handed over to the examiner via email.
The examiner will send back the result of the remarking within 5 days from the email sent date.
The result of the remarking will be sent to students within 3 days after that.
* In case the student does not agree with the first result of the remarking, he/she can apply for the second remarking. The Academic Support Department will insert the request and use the previous email to send it to the Lecturers.
Instructions on study regulations, final exam, resit and course retake regulations
In case of delay:
The student should take the exam and resit in accordance with their former class schedule. In case they are not able to take the exam, the student can ask VTC Academy to consider additional exams