In recent years, facing the unpredictable changes of the Covid-19 epidemic, many businesses have changed their recruitment standards to be suitable with the actual context. In which, has to be mentioned is Information Technology industry. This is the industry group that many young people in Generation Z place the top attention on and raise many concerns such as: What skills are needed to respond to the times? Future job opportunities? How to anticipate the development of this industry group after Covid-19? What does Generation Z need to prepare now to successfully integrate into the global economy?
With the desire to answer questions about the future career, as well as bring the necessary information so that young people can be more confident, VTC Academy organized an online talkshow. “Technology and the race of Gen Z after Covid” at 10:00 am on Sunday, October 3, 2021. An online talkshow with the participation of special guest speakers will bring rich and profound experiences, along with useful information about the Information Technology industry. Besides, the fun conversational style and deep understanding of Gen Z psychology of the two speakers will definitely help you understand your passions & desires better, thereby choosing a career suitable for career development in the future.
The talk show is expected to reach 200,000 people
10:00 – 10:15: Opening program
10:15 – 10:30: Speaker’s sharing about the Technology industry
10:30 – 10:45: Answering questions about post-Covid-19 Tech industry changes
10:45 – 11:00: Q&A

The online talkshow “Technology and the race of GenZ after Co-Vy” has approached and helped many young people answer questions about post-Covid-19 industry trends, providing a more comprehensive view of career choices. choose a career in the future. Along with useful and interesting advice from leading experts in the field of training & recruitment, the talk show has supported many young people in preparing the necessary equipment and skills on the path of career development. upcoming career.
VTC Academy hopes that this talk show will be one of the solid stepping stones for the future career development of each young person, a source of motivation to help strengthen their belief to become the best version of themselves; thereby being brave enough to catch up with the trend and create new breaths in the context of the strong development of the Information Technology industry.