Did you know the tuition fees at VTC Academy?
VTC Academy VTC Academy
Did you know the tuition fees at VTC Academy?

Did you know the tuition fees at VTC Academy?

Posted on 26/06/2019

“How much is VTC Academy tuition?” Is one of the questions that students are most interested in when searching information about the Academy, besides the program, content and study time. VTC Academy will help you to answer this concern to easily select and make decisions in accordance with your own conditions.

Tuition fees at VTC Academy

With two main majors: Programming and Design, VTC Academy currently offers 7 long-term majors including: Full-Stack Web Programming, Game Programming, Mobile Application Programming, Digital Graphic Design, 3D rendering, 3D animation, cinematography (VFX). Each long-term course of VTC Academy has a study period of 2 years. Total tuition fee at VTC Academy for each long-term course is about 66 million to 72 million VND.

If compared with the total tuition for four years of university or two-year long-term courses in other schools, it can be seen that the cost of studying at VTC Academy is completely not high and suitable to the conditions of many families today.

In particular, the Academy has a lot of incentives for tuition fees such as dividing tuition fees for each period and offering free and reduced tuition for some special cases. Besides, students studying at VTC Academy can completely eliminate financial worries because there is not any extra costs in the learning period and the equipment, computers, rooms, lab, library … of the Academy will provide maximum support for students’ study, practice and research

VTC Academy scholarship policy

With the aim of encouraging and maximizing support for students’ study, the Academy always applies VTC Academy scholarship policy for each academic year, in which 3 main types of scholarships are A, B and C. Type A: full tuition fee waiver, Type B: half tuition fee waiver, Type C: a quarter tuition fee waiver.

Students who enroll in the first year will be considered for scholarships based on the results of the entrance exam of the Academy or the admission results based on the national high school graduation exam scores (excluding points of priority and reward).

Also in the first year of admission, students can apply for a scholarship if they have a special academic achievement including a national high school student award; special achievements in the national high school graduation exam and university and college exams at universities and colleges; awards in the Asia-Pacific Olympic competitions and international Olympic competitions; awards in prestigious domestic and international design and programming competitions.

From the second semester, students will be considered for scholarships based on the student’s overall GPA in the previous semester.

Should I study at VTC Academy?

With the above-mentioned tuition fees at VTC Academy and high-value study encouragement policies, it can be seen that financial problems are not a burden for students at the Academy. To answer the question “Should I study at VTC Academy?” And “Is VTC Academy good?”, You can look at the statistics about the school’s training achievements, specifically: 100% Graduates have jobs at large domestic and international enterprises with starting salary of 8,000,000 VND or more.

This is something that a university degree may not be able to bring to students because the recruitment needs of businesses now require candidates to have the most up-to-date knowledge and the ability to manipulate knowledge into practice. At VTC Academy, we promote “learning with practice” and every student is able to make at least 2 practical projects during the learning process. Therefore, when you graduate, you are no longer surprised when you step into the practical work environment of your business.

Let’s see how students evaluate VTC Academy:

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  • Hanoi: 0981 114 757
  • Da Nang: 0865 098 399
  • Ho Chi Minh City: 0818 799 299